I have something that might work - it's actually an old (but quality) steel Claud Butler frame (58cm) built up as a commuter-ish bike with 1x8 transmission, decent tyres, chain, brakes etc. and should be perfect size. I'm in SE1/Waterloo - it's just been out on loan to a fellow forumonger but due back any time now. Looks pretty much like this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0ntit7g3kseugufggxvos/ACwyaawW9sYaL_HFgZic9KM?rlkey=3wqnjmxvmzgg6kpg6d9k8ce4o&dl=0
It's now a bit grubbier and a touch more patina but totally sound.
Looking for £150
I have something that might work - it's actually an old (but quality) steel Claud Butler frame (58cm) built up as a commuter-ish bike with 1x8 transmission, decent tyres, chain, brakes etc. and should be perfect size. I'm in SE1/Waterloo - it's just been out on loan to a fellow forumonger but due back any time now. Looks pretty much like this:
It's now a bit grubbier and a touch more patina but totally sound.
Looking for £150