Interested in hearing anecdotes of side-effects suspected to be due to taking cetirizine.
I've just come out of what felt like a horrible hole due to taking cetirizine - sleepy, sluggish, brain fog, feel like shit just want her back etc. Doesn't even work that well on the symptoms of hayfever for me.
Had to switch from loratradine because while it totally dealt with my hayfever symptoms and I feel fucking AMAZING when I'm on it but this becomes somewhat inconvenient at bedtime when I can't get to sleep for hours because I'm manic and full of energy (I wonder if this is what @rhb meant by making them "...very, erm, intense." Or if that was different).
In both cases first few days are fine but it's when I get beyond that.
Anyway after @zigbit and @sidewinder recommended Fexofenadine I'm on day two of it and no hayfever symptoms and seem to be rapidly feeling like a normal human instead of almost feeling like I'm on speed or in a K hole so that's promising...
I would add that this year has been the worst hayfever year for me for a long time.
Interested in hearing anecdotes of side-effects suspected to be due to taking cetirizine.
Not feeling myself at the moment - and taking cetirizine for hayfever - and curious if it could be related.