Bosch battery management uses its own energy to warm the battery up to optimal temperature which results in much lower range in winter (maybe around 60%)
I have a Bosch ebike I use for nursery run and store it in a garage - it’s fine. Just be aware that you’ll have reduced range and also it may reduce the longevity of the battery slightly.
Do you have more info on this battery heating? They do produce heat as a byproduct of use, Bosch have never mentioned active temperature control at their courses and I live in Norway so there's lots of ebikes biking in minus degrees here. They even recommend you take in the battery and let it sit at room temperature to warm it up before charging.
As far as I'm aware capacity loss in colder temperatures is a physics/chemistry problem and returns when temperatures rise again.
Are integrated batteries a terrible idea in the UK where bike will be stored in an unheated garage?