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This exactly ^
I am pretty overwhelmed right now.
Can't wait to go through the loot and share some photos with you all.
Thanks to @JesperXT for being an absolute star today. Could not have done it without him.
Hulsroy International update 20/6-24
I accidentally bought an entire workshop.
Some shitty photos on a Facebook ad sparked my interest.
I am never lucky with this sort of stuff, but for some fucking wild magical reason I was the first to contact the seller. They were helping sell the belongings of an old colleague who suffers from dementia. The machine I was there to pick up cost 1100 which is already a pretty good price... They didn't really have a clue what they were selling so they asked me to go through the stuff and find what belongs to the machine. There was a very nice chuck and a superb Emco rotary table. Then a metal sheet nibbler appeared, then a nice compressor and so on and so on. We ended up agreeing on a price of 2265gbp for all of it except for the lathe that was already sold. I am sooo happy and excited. Can't wait to look through it all. Materials, cabinets, new work bench, vice, air tools, files, etc... All of it appears to be top shelf stuff.