Not sure where I'll go after that.
Maybe Pierce Brown's Red Rising? I read the first three books recently (which are a self-contained trilogy in their own right), and while the series has been widely compared to GoT and Hunger Games, the novel that kept coming to mind when I read the first Red Rising was Alfred Bester's "The stars my destination". Not saying it's ever going to be a genre-shaking classic on the same scale, but it has a lot of the same energy. Rage and the struggle to control it, mostly.
Gobbled up Hyperion. It's a fucking banger, a stone cold sci fi classic. Works so well on every level, as a story and as a story about stories. I would recommend Chapter 4 - Sol Weintraub's chapter - to anyone - sci fi fan or not - as a self-contained short, and a masterclass in what you can achieve in genre fiction when you've got yourself a solid conceit to work with. I sobbed my way through the latter parts of that chapter.
Deliberating whether it's a good idea to read the sequel, or whether I just let this stand alone.
Onto Vurt now. Not sure where I'll go after that. Maybe some Ursula Le Guin.