I do enjoy the older press a button to counter an enemy and then press another button to take out the next enemy mechanic of the earlier games just because it was so ridiculous but perfectly happy for that to not exist
They did bring back something like that, but it requires more skill. If you time a parry properly, then, on the easier difficulty levels, you get a one shot-kill riposte (again, if timed well). On the hard level, you have to wear your opponent down more (two perfect parries in a short space would do it) and the timing is stricter.
The stealth really is a big improvement. The environment and missions are designed to reward it, and you can break up a group of guards by becoming briefly visible to just one of them (if your timing and position are good), enough to make them curious and come over to investigate. Enemy AI isn't much improved, though.
just want something with a bit of character but is also succinct.
A lot of AC fans found Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West to be good AC substitutes during the long ARPG years. Stealth, sneak attacks, religions based on ancient tech, messages from the past... you can even hang from a ledge and pull an enemy to their death.
That sounds good to me then. I do enjoy the older press a button to counter an enemy and then press another button to take out the next enemy mechanic of the earlier games just because it was so ridiculous but perfectly happy for that to not exist for a return of good stealth. Also much more interested in a shorter game. As I say Valhalla started to drag and so did RDR2 when I played that over winter, just want something with a bit of character but is also succinct.