• #11677
Internal width? Basically can I run it for cross 🤣
• #11678
ooooooo subscribed for the update!
• #11679
Hah will measure up, it's 28mm external so imagine 20 or 21mm
• #11680
Are they heavy?
• #11681
It's just a front, I can weigh it if you like. But in general yes, a trispoke is in the same region as a disc wheel. If I had to guess then just shy of 1000g
• #11682
Listing suggests 2 at 25c to 80PSI
• #11683
2 or 3, depending on size and pressure.
• #11684
I've got this one. Impressed with it so far. Purely a guess, but from touch I reckon it can handle going close to 100 psi. Can't comment on longevity yet, nor how many tyres on one single charge.
• #11685
I like the look of this one with a pressure gauge.
If I was buying one now I would be tempted to get this.
• #11686
that's a fair bit bigger than the others though, right?
• #11687
Is it? I just had a quick look.
When I bought mine I went for the smallest so, while a pressure gauge would be nice, I wouldn't want to bulk up too much. -
• #11688
Yeah it's a fair bit chunkier. Bigger batteries, slightly larger dimensions, anywhere between 80-110g more than the others.
• #11689
How noisy are these things? That's the key metric.
• #11690
what happens when you're out on a ride and it has run out of battery and you get a flatty :(
• #11691
• #11692
What happens if you forget your pump, if your CO2 canister has discharged itself, you forget your spare tube, or if you don't recharge your lights, your electronic gears, your phone, etc? If you forget your wallet, forget your way home...
If you can't remember to keep it charged, stick to manual pumps!
For long rides like ultras, while I'm still testing it, I also take my smallest pump as a backup. I'm actually more concerned about the risk of it getting wet and not working than about not being charged. For example, would it break if I tried to use it in pissing rain?
• #11693
i completely agree; but if it can only do 2-3 tyres then you are a bit fucked on a very unlucky, longer ride....
• #11694
I've never been that unlucky on any ride, including ultras or two week tours in 20+ years
On the other hand I forgot my pump when I went to Brighton last November, got a puncture and had flagged down another cyclist to borrow his pump before I had got my wheel out.
• #11695
Anything longer than 200k I carry a battery pack. Just stick it on charge after use. And as Frank said, have a back-up pump in case it all goes sideways.
• #11696
Isn't forgetting your pump not the same as forgetting your electric pump and not really
the issue of how many tyres it can pump up? -
• #11697
Nor sure I follow: what is your concern - that needing to pump up half a dozen tyres on a ride where you don't carry a power bank and there will be no passing riders to hail down is a realistic scenario?
People who carry CO2 canisters and not a pump is probably the best comparison. How many do CO2 users typically carry?
• #11698
I don't have a concern but answered the question what to do if it runs out with what if you
forget your pump. -
• #11699
Had 3 punctures on my last 300k, 2 in the freezing, pouring rain. Can change an inner tube in 5 minutes, but I fucking hate pumping up tyres with little pumps on the side of the road with numb hands getting colder by the second.
• #11700
People who carry CO2 canisters and not a pump is probably the best comparison.
very true !
very intrigued by this... how many tyres could you inflate on one charge?