aren't there lots of stories about many bottled waters just being tap water, i don't know how much is true and whether there are further treatments done to the tap water before it gets bottled ?
chose your bottled water carefully otherwise you are just forking out needless money to some multinational for the stuff that comes out of your tap.
Many bottled waters are just filtered tap water, but they do state this. The super cheap still water from Tesco and Sainsbury’s (25p for 2l stuff in the really thin PET bottles) is just that. Can’t find it on their websites but it is in store.
aren't there lots of stories about many bottled waters just being tap water, i don't know how much is true and whether there are further treatments done to the tap water before it gets bottled ?
chose your bottled water carefully otherwise you are just forking out needless money to some multinational for the stuff that comes out of your tap.