If they're not under the mad wing in a couple of elections time, I'd bet they'll be back in power.
There's the crux of the matter. What form the Tory party takes after the election remains to be seen, but the pandering to the insatiable demands of the right wing of the party has taken them to a place where electoral wipeout is more likely than not.
The make up of the parliamentary party after the election will be key; if it's mainly centre-right MPs then they might correct their course enough to win another election, but if it's the right wing nut jobs in the majority, then oblivion will beckon, even if they merge with Reform.
The Conservatives will never win another election crew seem to be missing a few things, such as Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London twice. A city not full of old people. Jeremy Corbyn suffered a near record loss to the Conservatives in the last election. If they're not under the mad wing in a couple of elections time, I'd bet they'll be back in power.
And I recall that when Obama was in power commentators stating that due to the demographic changes in the USA the Republicans will never win the White house again. But the city of Miami votes Republican.