I'd rather Labour didn't have the 'thumping-majority' many on this site are excited for and if a vote for Green somehow changed that I would definitetly vote Green.
In my safe Labour seat I'll still vote Green, not from a moral perspective per se, but from a practical sense of contributing to the 'other' left vote in national statics. Anyone who thinks that means I'm indifferent to whether the Tories gets voted out is either dim or disingenous.
I'd rather Labour didn't have the 'thumping-majority' many on this site are excited for and if a vote for Green somehow changed that I would definitetly vote Green.
In my safe Labour seat I'll still vote Green, not from a moral perspective per se, but from a practical sense of contributing to the 'other' left vote in national statics. Anyone who thinks that means I'm indifferent to whether the Tories gets voted out is either dim or disingenous.
edited for the pendants