I’m bang on 130kph
This is where I notice it. Because we've got old school CC, in the UK you're permanently adjusting it and relentlessly overtaking, working out when to overtake, etc. So most of the time it's a distraction.
In France - set to 90kph until you enter 130, set to 130kph, forget about it until you hit the peage then hit the button when you exit.
Due to the bullshitery of French opening hours we had to rent a car and drive 500km from Paris (long story) . It had CC and it was such an effortless journey. Tbf that is also French roads and not just CC. But the Tesla people I've chatted to who've done long drives down France or to the alps have all commented how they feel less tired.
fuck auto lights and wipers though. these things that make driver less engaged/engrossed are negatives as far as i am concerned.
I really don't understand how thinking about the speed of your wipers and adjusting them when say your fast A road has hit a roundabout and they're going mental, followed by then having to increase the speed as you pull away so you have the best viability makes you more engaged with the important bits of a roundabout.
My observation is that with the cruise ensuring that I’m bang on 130kph that leaves me with more mental space to observe every that is going on around me, it’s not huge for sure but it’s a reduction in workload in one area that allows more focus in others. For five hour stints this makes a difference.