If one fell for the Johnson 2019 promises/lies,
and allowed your centre right social preference to over ride your centre left economic expectations, after 5 years of turmoil and let down, are you more likely to continue your drift rightwards, towards Reform, or feel the pull towards Starmer?Edited to replace opening, easily misconstrued 'you' with 'one'.
Me? I didn’t.
But I guess your ‘If you’ was aimed at some general ‘you lot’ I can’t speak for anyone else
I’m just worrying about the threat the two populist(?) pugilists could represent should they get their shit together (however unlikely I hope that is)
Those ‘you lot’s’ party fucked them so who knows who they’ll cleave to?
That the Faragists are tracking to win 20% of the vote doesn’t feel like a good thing nor reason to celebrate. If those numbers rise (wins from floating voters and a pact is formalised between T*ries and them) then the Populist Right looks more like the European direction of travel?