I am now sitting in departures having made it through! .Despite the first person I saw saying 'you cannot travel with that bag'.
I asserted, not entirely accurately, that the bag was under 85cm, that it was a specially designed bag, and folded in the flappy ends to make it look smaller, and she let me in and pointed me towards the queue with the big scanner.
It goes on the scanner, standing upright, in a luggage tray. The person next to me said it looked like a person coming out of the scanner, so a bit weird, but it works.
Next challenge is to get it back on the Eurostar in Paris on the way home. The other trains shouldn't be a problem.
Now I know how it works, I should have, but didn't, look at how much clearance there was above the bag in the scanner to see if I can leave the forks in next time.
I think the length would be ok as long as it fits in one of their trays.
Ok, I'm going tomorrow.
Close to 85cm. Let's hope they're not too picky.
It's reasonably comfortable to carry.