• My bike took ages to start this morning. 2005 varadero 1000. 48k miles on the clock. Yesterday was fine, took it out for a little blast but this morning it took ages to get going, to the point where I thought the battery was going to go, then at the last second it caught and started.
    I turned it off and it started again straight away. Maybe just damp?
    We had some rain last night....

    I've got new plugs and an oil change on the to do list but I'm such a worrier about getting stuck somewhere, if don't have the confidence in the bike I just won't ride it.

  • My old Transalp went through this (its the 700 version of a Vaderado)

    Went for an MOT, passed no drama, wouldn't start when I picked it up, they assumed killswitch, but alas not.
    Jumped it for me, I went for a 40 minute ride, was fine for a few weeks, but got progressively longer to start (Eventually wouldn't start after 5 a side and needed a do-or-die bump start down a steep hill into a closed industrial area, if it didn't catch I was stranded because I had no chance of pushing it back up, and everyone else had gone home, mercifully I was successful, was my first ever bump start too!)

    Bought a new battery, wasn't very expensive or difficult to fit, i assume the XL1000 is equally as easy to do it on.

  • Great, that does sound like the culprit. Got some new plugs on the way as they're due to be replaced in the service schedule, so I'll source a battery too. I can't believe how much iridium plugs are!

    Definitely don't want to push anywhere, it's a right lump.


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