No, no headway on that.
links I've fixed by removing them all, as well as redirecting thehttp://
.But the attachments make no sense to me.
This comment
curl https://www.lfgss.com/comments/17405497/
Results in this API call
curl https://lfgss.microcosm.app/api/v1/comments/17405497
Results in this check for attachments
curl https://lfgss.microcosm.app/api/v1/comments/17405497 /attachments
Within the comment was the profile avatar:
And within the attachments was the picture:
Both results from the API should be called at the API URL of
.and I cannot see any reason why it shouldn't work.
Were you able to figure out what was going on with the profile pictures?
Is there anything else I can do to help from my end?