The bottom 1m was just 3 half hearted thin wires to start. Then once it got above the door/really big I screwed a big rectangular section of chicken wire with screws and washers to grow it into a panel.
What you see is basically now just the strength of the core stems.
For your place I would start it off with 2-3 neat vertical steel wires a bit like this. Then once it's really getting going try the chicken wire panel.
To get to this stage must have taken the best part of 7yrs. I reckon I could have sped it up with a bigger plant to start and feeding from the get go (rather than 4yrs in).
3 Attachments
Lovely- what is the star jasmine growing against? A wall with wire ? Just bought a 180cm plant and want to train it on the front of the house to cover the cement covered bricks (left of the orange door)