Maybe in this day and age, there isn't much in the way of common ground between right and left anymore
I think there’s a surprising amount of crossover, you just have to get into the weeds a bit. There are liberal conservative arguments for collective bargaining, common ownership, green energy, affordable housing (inc. rent control), and public ownership of utilities. All can be seen as balancing forces to maintain a multipolar competitive settlement, which is a fairly central tenet of liberalism.
A large problem with the Conservative Party and much of the Labour right is that they’re not actually (small c) conservatives, or principled liberals at all.
All this stuff about deselecting left wing candidates, well doesn't it show that the parties are simply too big? Maybe in this day and age, there isn't much in the way of common ground between right and left anymore. Starmer makes Dennis Healey look like Robespierre and would be deselected now. All the more reason to pressure Labour to jettison our
crap electoral system.