The caldera cone system was the first. It's been through several iterations, and several distributors - it's the nature of small, handmade specialist items. In its purest form it's set up exactly so that the hottest part of your flame has the best contact with your cooking pot. That's why they want to know which stove and pot combination you are using.
I'm more than happy with my epigas alpine system, but if I was doing it again I'd either use camping gas - available everywhere, or a meths stove.
Finally, if you go down the meths stove route, the bushcraft guys worked out that pure alcohol (IDA?) burns hotter. Unfortunately you need an authorisation from HMRC to buy it, and so many of them applied at the same time that the authorities thought something was afoot, and stopped giving out licences. That was several years ago though, and things may have eased up since then.
My reason for having an alco stove in addition to the canister stove is simply ease of finding meths and stuff compared to canisters. When I rode in Scotland I couldn't find gas canisters anywhere so having a meths backup stove kicking around would've been nice (same goes for travelling to places without canisters I guess). I'm not that bothered about efficiency or all that jazz because if I was, I'd simply not take any stove (lightest stove is the one you don't carry) and eat cold food, which is much faster than cooking. :)
That looks neat. Though there was another UK website selling kinda homemade looking ultralight stoves - anyone remember what it was?
It wasn't this mob, but this looks similar to the kickstarter one