V60 is ok faff wise...but if you just dump the coffee and water in it's going to be shit. Gotta rinse paper, gentle pour, swirl etc. Plus like you say, need scales
In theory yes, in reality these days I use a drip assist
Wash the paper, add the ground coffee, do a quick bloom, them put this on top and fill with water, top up once and wait. No faffing. And you need scales for an aeropress just as much as you do a v60.
Starter pack is usually a v60. A lot of places literally do a starter kit with some coffee, the v60 and some filters
You'll need is a grinder if you're not buying pre-ground, but that's totally an option too.
E.g. https://www.ancoats-coffee.co.uk/store/coffee/single-origin/regional/
If you do get a grinder a hand one is cheapest, the Hario one is perfectly fine
But you can always spend more for a better one
Obviously an electric one is better. I'd say to avoid ones that have blades and are actually a spice grinder but tbh I used one for a while and it's passable if you're not a massive nerd.
A burr grinder is what you really want, there are some cheap-not-great ones and ones that go up to £thousands, but sticking with filter rather than espresso means you can get away with the cheaper end.
Also you should get some cheap scales. A decent one doesn't need to be more than £20
But I just use some "jewellery" scales
All that said, you could just use your Bialetti and either buy pre ground or grind your own
My recommendation would be a v60, as fancy a grinder as you want, and watch a Hoffman video on technique/recipe. Once you've got the weights and motions nailed it's under 5 mins to make a brew from scratch.