Also, what Garmin did you use previosly? I've stuck with the 1000, 1030, 1030 Plus for all my trans-continental adventures and they've got better each iteration. We sold my partners Wahoo and she uses my old 1030 now. Wahoo aren't good enough for what I do and the bigger screen on the Garmins is a winner. I'm saving my pennies for a 1040 Solar next.
Also, speaking of Ride London. I had no idea it was on or where it was so our train looked more like
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It was the 810 and it was quite a while ago. One of my biggest hates was that after a while the USB port became damaged and it wouldn't consistently charge up, and garmin wouldn't do anything about it except give me 20% off a new garmin. I accept that things do wear down over time but they just weren't willing to talk to me more about it so I have been in a bit of a huff with them ever since. But I wouldn't rule them out in future if I can be assured they've cleared up their acts on that front.
I've had the roam since may 2021.
Honestly I wouldn't put money on it being much better than it gets right now, allowing for a moderately wet summer. Also bear in mind if it does really heat up I think the surfaces might be liable to split open into jagged crevices and become really tricky going in some other regard, so I'd screw my courage to the sticking place and go for it.