• #9002
I can't even imagine how satisfying it must be to build something like this from scratch with your own hands
• #9003
• #9004
Thanks man. It is addictive for sure
• #9005
Upgrades might include TRP Eurox front brake, purple bars, nicer grips, rowdier tyres and fancy cranks if I can find some.
Also we are talking about making a custom topper for the steerer so we can lower the bars to preferred height.
Seat post clamp is working surprisingly well, but we also talking about a nicer topper and clamp. But that is just time wasting when I really should be making my own from scratch
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• #9006
Could you cut piece from the middle of the steerer and weld it back together like you would on a fork steerer extension?
• #9007
It's alu and i haven't got the welder for it
• #9008
Whats the Diameter of the folding stem thing? Bigger than 28.6? Smaller than 35mm? Chop, shim and run a notmal stem?
• #9009
No needs to be a custom thing. OD is 35mm
• #9010
You can shim a headshok stem…
• #9011
I will have a look
• #9012
I keep getting interrupted by life stuff but cages are getting made and I am almost ready to send them off to get electro polished.
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• #9013
It's been some intense days in the workshop but I am feeling great about this next batch of cages. I got better tolerances and bottle fit and Nalgene cages are happening and I am mega chuffed about those as well.
Here's a box of 100 almost finished cages, ready for electro polishing and three boxes of left, right and symmetric cages, yet to be brazed.
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• #9014
I have been doing some insane long hours in the workshop lately. Not because I had to, just because good stuff just kept coming together. Yesterday I did 830am-1am and ended up crashing on the office floor in my workshop. I haven't done that since 2014 😂
Anyways, the week brought loads of cages that are now with the electro polishing company.
Managed to do a really nice batch of Symmetric Nalgene size cages but I had no success with the bigger sideloaders. The fixture I use with the regular sideloaders isn't able to keep things straight on larger cages, so to be efficient I need to make a new fixture. Minor setback, but worth the time investment.All day yesterday I fought to finish the new gravel bike for an event today. I got so close but in the end I wasn't able to fit the chainring I was hoping to use. It is too big (50T) for my needs anyways so will replace it with a 46T or 44T which should be absolutely fine for flat earth gravel paired with the 11-42 cassette.
And as you can see my new @Tijmen bags arrived and they are fucking gorgeous.
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• #9015
My favourite cranks ever are Rotor 3D but Rotor 3D+ have started appearing second hand locally going for silly cheap. I bought a set a couple of weeks ago with the intention of stripping and re-anodising them.
So yesterday I decided to get that going.There's loads of fine videos out there. I ended up using this one as a guide: https://youtu.be/L2RKze7baJw?si=J0pfvK6dgXlt1d3M
I used his recipes for solution ratios but used ChatGpt to calculate mixing ratios specific for my chemicals and for calculation of time/amperage using the 720 rule. It worked out great.
Next time I will probably not only de-anodise but also sand the cranks to get rid of the ugly laser engraving. IRL it doesn't look so bad but it's pretty clear that there's still some graphics left...
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• #9016
That's a sexy bike! Bags are ace as well
• #9017
Frame and bags look Bossin
• #9018
Hot stuff. And use of ChatGPT to calculate chemical business - wow 🤯
• #9019
It's all just science
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• #9020
Next-level modz. Really into this.
• #9021
• #9023
We did 60ish km around where Simba lives in Skjoldungernes land. Big recommendations if you fancy touring outside Copenhagen.
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• #9024
Today I woke up, had breakfast and rode back to Aarhus via the ferry from Sjællands Odde. Odsherred is also a big recommendation if you fancy some more Danish landscape
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• #9025
wicked. Love the slight cannondale Mxxx reference (??) on the subtly outboard dropouts.
and anodizing! was always hoping to have a go on the stayer project, but other chem-fun got in the way
That spec list is dream material.
Frame is even dreamier, haven’t been this jealous in a long time!