Pro tip on residential emergency food stores: instead of buying MREs and military rations, buy an extra few meals worth of non-refrigerated food that you’d eat anyway. Use a First in - First out system to ensure food doesn’t go out of date, and don’t let he cupboard empty before replenishing.
Few things make a crisis more subjectively miserable than unnecessarily crappy food.
Sure if you’re making sure to always keep more than a week’s worth of food in the house, and it seems that loads of people aren’t, hence the above mentioned govt campaign.
Pro tip on residential emergency food stores: instead of buying MREs and military rations, buy an extra few meals worth of non-refrigerated food that you’d eat anyway. Use a First in - First out system to ensure food doesn’t go out of date, and don’t let he cupboard empty before replenishing.
Few things make a crisis more subjectively miserable than unnecessarily crappy food.