Carradice make that thing that clamps onto the bars which also isn’t that nice, Jack the Bike rack has a kind similar design in how it clamps to the bars either side of the stem. I know nitpicking the agricultural style of those clamping systems seems dumb as you can’t actually see it when looking at a bike with one on AND with a big bag on the support that covers all the gubbins up. BUT I would be able to see it whilst riding and that’s enough
Ballern made those ‘Sexy Racks’ which look pretty ideal but might have to be a custom made-to-order thing at this point and they’re pretty spenny.
question for those following:
what’s a good solution for bar bag support?
Restrap’s bumper thing is a bit ugly.
Carradice make that thing that clamps onto the bars which also isn’t that nice, Jack the Bike rack has a kind similar design in how it clamps to the bars either side of the stem. I know nitpicking the agricultural style of those clamping systems seems dumb as you can’t actually see it when looking at a bike with one on AND with a big bag on the support that covers all the gubbins up. BUT I would be able to see it whilst riding and that’s enough
Ballern made those ‘Sexy Racks’ which look pretty ideal but might have to be a custom made-to-order thing at this point and they’re pretty spenny.
Any other things out there of a similar ilk?