What would my chances be of tying one end of the canoe to the back of my saddle and being able to ride the whole mess 6 miles to nearest canal? Will those wheels have any sort of bearings, or would one ride that distance destroy them entirely?
I love this. I'd be moving a canoe 2.5 metres long and much lighter, and on the flat, so I'm not totally dissuaded if I'm honest. Maybe I'm being naive.
If I bought a cheap canoe, and this: https://www.escape-watersports.co.uk/equipment/trolleys/palm-caddy-trolley-1-detail?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxJCPoku1Mv_H5aCgCyue6V-TyJEHA22AHTJaeBc6itCPlhui95Db5BoCBcsQAvD_BwE
What would my chances be of tying one end of the canoe to the back of my saddle and being able to ride the whole mess 6 miles to nearest canal? Will those wheels have any sort of bearings, or would one ride that distance destroy them entirely?