I'm close to abandoning trying to salvage a 1995 Hahanna with seized seatpost buried deep into frame and in a corner as cash strapped and without a ride so figuring best solution is to sell the P2's and either sell some of the rest to pick up similar and/ or transfer the components to another F+F so wanted to check if anyone is interested in the P2's first.
1" threaded steerer, v-brake bosses for 26" rim, fork crown race is damaged so need new one with whatever headset is used.
Measurements I'll have to take later as bike is currently in the retailer whom I bought it from (they didn't want to do any work on it) but seem likely to be standard as per recent thread with a low stack height and steerer length from 18" frame headtube using stock headset.
I'm close to abandoning trying to salvage a 1995 Hahanna with seized seatpost buried deep into frame and in a corner as cash strapped and without a ride so figuring best solution is to sell the P2's and either sell some of the rest to pick up similar and/ or transfer the components to another F+F so wanted to check if anyone is interested in the P2's first.
1" threaded steerer, v-brake bosses for 26" rim, fork crown race is damaged so need new one with whatever headset is used.
Measurements I'll have to take later as bike is currently in the retailer whom I bought it from (they didn't want to do any work on it) but seem likely to be standard as per recent thread with a low stack height and steerer length from 18" frame headtube using stock headset.
Colour is bronze as per https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Qkz2e63i&id=72074F210E489D7A73F5C9E91B75439B427BBB0C&thid=OIP.Qkz2e63iOnno3kFYrEXnnQHaEx&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.424cf67bade23a79e8de4158ac45e79d%3frik%3dDLt7QptDdRvpyQ%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.pedalroom.com%252fp%252fkona-hahanna-1995-mk2-48196_10.jpg%26ehk%3diBjfqbF43atxGjAiZtUS%252bBvN1CWeiXhomOflTA3f4A0%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=605&expw=940&q=1995+kona+hahanna&simid=608013249262872281&FORM=IRPRST&ck=4E8DD97E4757FB14745B9F7348BFDE34&selectedIndex=0&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
Please let me know if serious interest as I'm in a bit of hole/ difficult situation so need to affirm first before making any further decision.