• #12902
Very cool 👌
• #12903
Planted some lipins today and some Eryngium 'Victory Blue' which I’m dead excited about.
Already looking forward to scalping the front lawn and sowing some yellow rattle in autumn.
• #12904
Bit of sun and everything's starting to emerge
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• #12905
yeah we had our first rose bud hit the finish line on the weekend. the plant is sort of plagued with black spot but it seems in reasonably shape at the moment, loads of buds
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• #12906
Nice pics
• #12907
Nice, it’s amazing the difference a bit of sun makes
Roses starting to flower and it looks like we have some fruit on our walnut. Mulberry (not pictured) seems to have masses of fruit - hoping it ripens!
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• #12908
Little bed by the patio is springing into life
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• #12909
My big area of dream perennials has become an absolute wasteland thanks to the fucking slugs and snails.
Might just let the bindweed take over and be done with it. -
• #12910
I have a shady urban garden in the wet west of the country so it is slugageddon. There are plenty of plants they never ever touch. Roses, grasses, ferns, hydrangeas, salvias, euphorbias, thalictrum, the vast majority of evergreens, etc etc etc
There is enough variety that you can do an entire ornamental garden in plants that they won't ever touch
• #12911
Sorry just having a strop. I’ll get a slug-proof plan together for a big autumn planting
• #12912
If I've got spent compost from tulips, mixing some chicken manure pellets in and reusing it for dahlias should be fine right?
• #12913
I was meaning to be encouraging! They are gross and very dispiriting
• #12914
I would, as long as none of the bulbs had gone mouldy.
• #12915
You'll all be glad to know our reptilian intruder was successfully reunited with its owner. Turns out there were 5 missing in total as they'd all just woken up from hibernation and wandered off. They were all found the next morning within a 50m radius of their starting point. Happy days.
• #12916
Our elderly neighbours have a tortoise that must be forty years old and regularly escapes. They Tippexd the landline number across his back!
• #12917
Sweet Jesus, they're on the warpath.
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• #12918
• #12919
I was staring out the window wondering what strange buds had appeared all over the tops of our Angelica. Oh it’s 20 to 30 snails
• #12920
Guys this is the perfect time to start culling them.
Get out there!
• #12921
You can buy ladybirds in boxes on the internet to deal with aphids, as has been documented elsewhere in the thread.
So why can't you buy boxes of thrushes to come and deal with the snails?
(This idea is my intellectual property - get in touch if you would like to invest)
• #12922
The bigger question is surely "why do you have a warpath"
• #12923
Yep just been out the garden and the allotment in the pissing rain to collect the fuckers and take them far away. The numbers are astounding.
• #12924
Maybe we should try this. But with slugs.
• #12925
More Rose woes. Some strange red stems have appeared on Both plants just as they're starting to bloom. Google reckons its rose rosette virus and the solution is to dig em up :(
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Sand is just a general mulch, my wife is in charge of planting design but it will be green eventually. Already have a few solitary bees making wee tunnels in there. I’m gonna drill lots of holes in the logs for nesting bugs too