I’m on a similar hunt and have 95% landed on this Alpkit one:
Yes it’s Alpkit so the usual it’s-just-a-Naturehike arguments apply, but it’s the only family tent I’ve found that uses backpacking tent style design without costing a billion pounds.
I would go for this, which is lush and black out but packs down small.
You really don't need inflatable until you get to 6 man size I reckon
I have a brilliant, tiny, light Terra Nova for solo camps but we've been tasked with camping with cousins for a couple of nights in July which sounds harder than anything I've solo'd.
Easy, roomy, 4 person (3 but let's be real, 4). Not £1000? Inflatable?
This? https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/inflatable-camping-tent-air-seconds-4-1-fandb-4-person-1-bedroom/_/R-p-302837