I have this same issue with a project strat that I put together, I made a body and bought a cheap neck but never finished it properly, just screwed it together and played it. It's nice to noodle about on but I have the itch for something new, but realistically no one is going to want the one I made (and it's perfect to leave around the kids), and I have a self enforced no buying unless selling rule....
Well that's good. Weird that innit. I had a period lately where I was actually considering getting rid of my Tele on the grounds that I'd just massively gone off it. I didn't seem to be comfortable playing it, i'd convinced myself I didn't like the nack shape and I didn't like the sounds I was getting. Picked it up on Friday and was completely back in smit.
I do need to shift some more stuff tho. The problem is, most of it's low value and with some sort of sentimental angle... such as the Squier SHOWMASTER I rescured from the dump, or the Scroungeocaster that I cobbled together with gumtree bits and generous donations from here. The Guild Acoustic I started stripping to refinich and never finished. They're all taking up wall space and gatheting dust.
Take the Scrounge-o-caster. It's a collection of half decent and very cheap parts slightly shoddily assembled by me as a project to teachmyself to spary nitro during lockdown. It's a nice memory and it looks great (at a distance) but realistically, it's never going to be a really decent usable guitar. So do I keep it and never play it or sell it for half of the cost of parts to a kid who's just starting out and wants something bargainous, functioning and cool looking?