if I'm buying fairly middle of the road parts it'll take a few years before obsolescence kicks in?
It's not so much obsolescence (with luck, you can get 10 years of service out of hardware before it will no longer run software which is still getting support) as buyer's remorse. If you buy a mobo which supports PCIe 4.0 now, you're going to be pissed in a year's time when you've saved up for a hard disk that not only can you now afford a PCIe 5.0 M2 SSD, but the equivalent mobo now supports PCIe 5.0 and costs less than you paid for the one which has been sitting in your unfinished projects box for a year.
I'm 2nd tier all the way! But i take your point, it's probably a wiser approach.
Surely even if I'm buying fairly middle of the road parts it'll take a few years before obsolescence kicks in?