It's a bit of a secret project which I'll probably start a thread on it, I got a 90's fillet brazed Reynolds 731 OS frame with wishbone seat stays, it has bugger all clearance say max 25mm. Thus I had to sell the tyres on this bike and the plan is to respray that frame and swap all the bits from the Dave Hinde onto it. I have Vittoria Corsa Pro TLR in 24mm which fit nicely.
It's a bit of a secret project which I'll probably start a thread on it, I got a 90's fillet brazed Reynolds 731 OS frame with wishbone seat stays, it has bugger all clearance say max 25mm. Thus I had to sell the tyres on this bike and the plan is to respray that frame and swap all the bits from the Dave Hinde onto it. I have Vittoria Corsa Pro TLR in 24mm which fit nicely.