^as a bit of explainer on the labels,
-I made the Steamboat Willy batch on the day the copyright expired. The concept of a 95 year old mouse was rattling round my brain all day
-The Minimal b/w one is when I had zero time - it was simply the quickest to weed and apply
-The middle red one, was around Saturnalia (mid-winter),
-And then the inverted cross was made on Easter Sunday
^as a bit of explainer on the labels,
-I made the Steamboat Willy batch on the day the copyright expired. The concept of a 95 year old mouse was rattling round my brain all day
-The Minimal b/w one is when I had zero time - it was simply the quickest to weed and apply
-The middle red one, was around Saturnalia (mid-winter),
-And then the inverted cross was made on Easter Sunday