i have done lots of these kinds of rides although not ev2, and, i dunno, maybe it is me but i find it difficult to smell the roses on them. this is mainly because the routes go to huge length to avoid roads and the wiggles and bits where you are slowed down by elaborate infrastructure only makes me speed up in straighter parts because it feels like i have been slowed down and want to make up time. this means nice bits through towns etc get blasted through in my rush if they overlap with bits where it is possible to go faster. my advice is think carefully about where you’ll get the majority of the 150k done, seeing if there are road sections that might be easier and plan to do those bits to protect the potentially nice pretty bits. fast road can be pretty too of course. having said that watch out in germany because if there is a cycle path by the side of a road, motorists demand you go in that and dodge the dog walkers, old biddies etc.
i have done lots of these kinds of rides although not ev2, and, i dunno, maybe it is me but i find it difficult to smell the roses on them. this is mainly because the routes go to huge length to avoid roads and the wiggles and bits where you are slowed down by elaborate infrastructure only makes me speed up in straighter parts because it feels like i have been slowed down and want to make up time. this means nice bits through towns etc get blasted through in my rush if they overlap with bits where it is possible to go faster. my advice is think carefully about where you’ll get the majority of the 150k done, seeing if there are road sections that might be easier and plan to do those bits to protect the potentially nice pretty bits. fast road can be pretty too of course. having said that watch out in germany because if there is a cycle path by the side of a road, motorists demand you go in that and dodge the dog walkers, old biddies etc.