This sounds amazing but I can’t quite picture it – what do you mean about the 4-6” lip?
I’ve just watered in a pack of nematodes and done another evening cull after watching three new fennels getting stripped before my eyes. It’s all very well the RHS saying slugs and snails are our friends, but I can’t afford to plant hundreds of perennials in the hope they won’t get through them all.
More plants for the bog garden arrived. The moss looked like it was dying, but I can see a few green shoots, so long term I think it'll be aok.
allium schoenoprasum (chives lol)
Lychnis flos-cuculi 'White Robin'
Preslia Cervina
Veronica beccabunga
Anagellis monellii
Also had a late night slug sesh. Should have started this earlier, as I may have underestimated the snail of the problem. Hopefully have saved a few plants. Next year I think I'll invest in neamotoes.