It's a c. 2015 Fracino Cherub! Doesn't seem to have any damp in the machine at all, either, from a quick opening of the hood. Just flipped it on and it's again come on just fine; times it's happened so far are when I turn it on in the morning, the machine cycles on and off for a bit and at some point within the first 15min or so the power trips..
Own a multimeter, but haven't the foggiest idea what exactly I'd be testing.
It's a c. 2015 Fracino Cherub! Doesn't seem to have any damp in the machine at all, either, from a quick opening of the hood. Just flipped it on and it's again come on just fine; times it's happened so far are when I turn it on in the morning, the machine cycles on and off for a bit and at some point within the first 15min or so the power trips..
Own a multimeter, but haven't the foggiest idea what exactly I'd be testing.