the reason for the 741 posts by ryan cohen and the numerous uses of a frog on his posts
any finance types know anything about leaps ? if the dates pan out there could be 10 days of upward movement for gme ( roaring kitty supposedly posted 10 times on twitter monday 9 times on tues ... is it a countdown ? ) I don't have twitter and refuse to give elon any clicks so might have to ask someone else to check this is true. 3 years after the initial run up the leaps are expiring and need to be filled / unwound ?
here's a theory for the current run up of gme and some meme basket stocks.
the reason for the 741 posts by ryan cohen and the numerous uses of a frog on his posts
any finance types know anything about leaps ? if the dates pan out there could be 10 days of upward movement for gme ( roaring kitty supposedly posted 10 times on twitter monday 9 times on tues ... is it a countdown ? ) I don't have twitter and refuse to give elon any clicks so might have to ask someone else to check this is true. 3 years after the initial run up the leaps are expiring and need to be filled / unwound ?