Also evangelical Christians
https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/05/rapture-fear-evangelical-americans-church-miller.htmlAs a child, I was taught that I might live to see the end of the
world. I learned how to see it coming, too: How the nation of Israel
was “God’s timepiece” hitting marks on a prophetic timeline, how the
machinations of the Catholic Church and the United Nations would soon
come to a head and form a one-world government, how God would be
driven out of America’s public square as people looked to other things
for salvation.Also lobbying
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/09/01/friends-israelAIPAC is prideful about its influence. Its promotional literature
points out that a reception during its annual policy conference, in
Washington, “will be attended by more members of Congress than almost
any other event, except for a joint session of Congress or a State of
the Union address.” A former AIPAC executive, Steven Rosen, was fond
of telling people that he could take out a napkin at any Senate
hangout and get signatures of support for one issue or another from
scores of senators. AIPAC has more than a hundred thousand members, a
network of seventeen regional offices, and a vast pool of donors. The
lobby does not raise funds directly. Its members do, and the amount of
money they channel to political candidates is difficult to track. But
everybody in Congress recognizes its influence in elections, and the
effect is evident. In 2011, when the Palestinians announced that they
would petition the U.N. for statehood, AIPAC helped persuade four
hundred and forty-six members of Congress to co-sponsor resolutions
opposing the idea.
Military location