I've investigated getting a hope one with replacable bearings but they're in the order of 90 quid and a quick Google suggests replacement bearings for them are £40 alone
If you buy Hope bearings, yes. Or you can buy some Enduro ones for £7 instead.
There was a time when everything went bought cost more - clothes, furniture, etc - but it lasted for years if not generations. Fwiw, my Hope BB is second hand, been completely neglected for 5 years and it's still butter smooth
Doing some mtb maintenance today and discovered my mtbs bb is due a service, owing the dry, grindy sound that comes as I spin the cranks. It does seem a shame that it seems shimano specify that you should just throw the whole lot in the recycling and replace with a new one. I have duly bought a new one from merlin for 23 quid including shipping.
I've investigated getting a hope one with replacable bearings but they're in the order of 90 quid and a quick Google suggests replacement bearings for them are £40 alone. Ho hum.
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