yeah, I get you.
I did like the flat bars on mine, just unfortunately didn't get on with them.
I ride it pretty much every day on a 40k round trip commute and one of the things I really missed was the ability to get on the drops when there's a strong headwind.I bought a pair of retro x-lite stubbies to use as inners. the sqlabs are probably a better shout though.
I've still got all the bits in case I want to go back to flats, maybe on another build.
ah fair enough, I’m really loving the flat bars and it’s honestly not sooo terribly uncomfortable, I mean I’ve ridden it for no longer than 70km yet and the lack of other hand positions started to become a bit uncomfortable towards the end.
Plus the way I see it is, I ride a gravel bike because riding off road is fun, and for me, having wider flats/risers makes off road sections that much more exciting. The road that gets me from off road section to off road section is just means to end. I’d rather make the good bit better, if that makes sense.
Also dunno if you know, the second version of SQlab inner bar ends have a narrower clamping area than the previous iteration, specifically to combat them not being compatible with certain brake/shifter setups