Black Cordora outer, white tarp lined inner. A couple of tiny marks on the inside, but I’m being picky.
Zipped pocket, key loop, Mini pump elastic loops, I’ve managed to get a D-lock around it and held secure. Lovely pouch from an early manufacturing run.
Even has the original vinyl sticker!
Measures 18cm x 15cm x 5cm.
£25 posted in the UK. I’m not in that there London.
BigXTop hip pouch for sale.
Black Cordora outer, white tarp lined inner. A couple of tiny marks on the inside, but I’m being picky.
Zipped pocket, key loop, Mini pump elastic loops, I’ve managed to get a D-lock around it and held secure. Lovely pouch from an early manufacturing run.
Even has the original vinyl sticker!
Measures 18cm x 15cm x 5cm.
£25 posted in the UK. I’m not in that there London.
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