But if you're out at work with your car you can't charge it off your panels. I went through all this stuff last year, was planning to use the car as a backup battery for the house overnight, etc, I imagined we'd be pretty much energy self-sufficient.
But if I'm out working Mon-Fri from 7.30am to 3.30pm that means I'm losing out on the best charging time. It gets dark here at 7pm in summer and 5pm in the winter, it just wouldn't work, the car might fully charge over the weekend but I'd have to top up while I was out and about during the week.
I bought a diesel truck in August. The road to hell, etc.
But if you're out at work with your car you can't charge it off your panels.
It seems the way to do it is during the daytime you sell back to the grid and then charge overnight from the grid where the price per kwh is lower than the price you get for selling back during the day.
Where I am the amount you get paid per kilowatt is miniscule compared to what you have to pay when you buy it back, even at cheap rate. I looked at batteries but the cheapest I could find (that wasn't going to burn my house down) was AU$1k per kW. Last time I looked they'd gone up.
But if you're out at work with your car you can't charge it off your panels. I went through all this stuff last year, was planning to use the car as a backup battery for the house overnight, etc, I imagined we'd be pretty much energy self-sufficient.
But if I'm out working Mon-Fri from 7.30am to 3.30pm that means I'm losing out on the best charging time. It gets dark here at 7pm in summer and 5pm in the winter, it just wouldn't work, the car might fully charge over the weekend but I'd have to top up while I was out and about during the week.
I bought a diesel truck in August. The road to hell, etc.