I've done 3x cordura (or 2x plus zip) without problems - 4 layers needed some assistance to get through (finger pressing down on the needle clamp) but I wouldn't fancy doing that if a motor was involved.
Having said that, I have a spare (and suitably vintage looking) universal motor and a foot switch for one of my lathes. It uses a Singer compatible belt as a primary drive - I might be able to lash something together...
Have you tried your Singer (s) on heavier materials under motor power?
I'm getting some satisfying results from a 99K manual with 100/16 denim and leather needles - easy to judge by feel how many layers of vinyl / cordura / reclaimed leather it can cope with, and slow enough to avoid most mistakes.
I could probably fit a motor to mine , but at this point I'm really looking for opinions regarding the 'worth' of such a conversion...