Arrived today just in time for shit damp weather all weekend. Perfect.
Bought the extra bits while on offer, for when I bother to service one of the old decks. Couldn’t find a couple of them when at the parents’ so maybe I sold or gave them away already.
@sacredhart thank you for the heads-up, short of the tiny wheels it’s exactly what I wanted… right down to the concave.
Gonna have a wobble on it later maybe, and decide what wheels to replace these little 55’s with.
Somewhat nervous rolling into town on wheels small enough that a snail’s fart could stop dead.
Arrived today just in time for shit damp weather all weekend. Perfect.
Bought the extra bits while on offer, for when I bother to service one of the old decks. Couldn’t find a couple of them when at the parents’ so maybe I sold or gave them away already.
@sacredhart thank you for the heads-up, short of the tiny wheels it’s exactly what I wanted… right down to the concave.
Gonna have a wobble on it later maybe, and decide what wheels to replace these little 55’s with.
Somewhat nervous rolling into town on wheels small enough that a snail’s fart could stop dead.
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