Of course! Annoyingly it’s rare that I have a Saturday morning free but they’ve been a great alternative if I’ve got a hankering for a “race effort” rather than some fell race that I entered months beforehand.
I pushed my luck at a couple races recently - got away with one, and basically had a breakdown on the other, lol. And when you’ve driven a couple hours to get there, and had to organise it, it feels hard to back out when not feeling great. Just totally unnecessary extra pressure when you’re already feeling it!
Hoping that summertime midweek races will be the key. Local, short, low key, low stress and lots of fun - but most importantly, entry on the day so just see how you feel on the day and take it or leave it. Time will tell.
I’m having a similar experience at the moment. I’m struggling to get out running, but I think booking races is going to be counterproductive. Booking races or making plans is fairly standard for me to help me gear up and get on with it, but at the moment I think that extra pressure would tip the balance from positive encouragement into unnecessary pressure that spoils the enjoyment I am having with the little running I’m managing.
At the end of the day, less running that’s maintained over a longer period is more constructive than a short period of high activity that gets curtailed by injury or burnout.