I've done some using iron on vinyl, but the vinyl eventually comes off. Thinking of using stencils and either fabric paint, or ink. I guess ink wont work so well on darker tshirts.
I've had proper results with acrylic art paints thinned with water.
Applied with a sponge using paper stencils.
I had a slightly more trashy aestetic preference back then though.
We recently bought and used some acrylic "fabric" paints - to echo drøn it just appeared to be very thin acrylic paint. Worked quite well for printing with fruit and veg though.
Anyone on here got experience in tshirt printing?
I've done some using iron on vinyl, but the vinyl eventually comes off. Thinking of using stencils and either fabric paint, or ink. I guess ink wont work so well on darker tshirts.
Any tips, advice, products recommendations etc?