That sounds like a con to me.. .
https://farewill.com/make-a-will-online?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1727780399_129752016690&utm_term=farewill&utm_content=696290736617&utm_channel=paid_brand&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk87yLMqCiGSKt6xK7CiCFD7WZEQ05RZcYQAr-6EjhHhzhaq6NKZSwMgaAlVmEALw_wcBhttps://farewill.com/r/jwhaymand-86631 (use my code and get 50%) I then just pay £10 a year to keep it all legit
Doing a will and they want £1400 for "lifetime" stuff
Anyone else do this kind of thing? It's meant to save money on solicitors if we kick it and they store it properly and stuff. £100 deposit then 15 months of payments totaling ~1500 quid