Here's a couple of the worst abrasion. While I was there I measured it - the OD is 10.6mm but 10.1mm at the worn point. I can't get at the ID to work out the wall thickness. But half a mil going missing must be quite a lot of it.
Thanks for thoughts, I will replace it. Do you think steel is worth it? otherwise I'd get the same one, but just work on stopping it happening again (more next).
I've got a Tortec Ultralite rear rack and the panniers have started to wear the metal in the struts. I've added some wraps of inner tube to stop it getting worse. But how much wear is acceptable - does it risk cracking - anyone got any insights or experience? I'm heading off at the end of May for a month so it would be nice to know it was reliable, and plenty of time to replace it before then.