It's a fair question. If it's a scorching summer I'll water it. But it's on the shaded, and lower side of the garden, so those beds rarely get truly dry (yellow highlight shows the max sun) after midday).
But basically the main source is via; a gravel drainage channel from the higher side of the garden that will get shed runoff, the gravel trench from the bed to the right and the bed to the left that has a lot of drainage.
I'm assuming having a solid compacted clay bottom to the bed will slow water escaping (the water stood until the next day when briefly tested).
I'm also looking at Sphagnum moss which holds an incredible amount of water. My thought was having that in the centre and weaving through. But still need to understand what it is and if it'll grow.
As my OH is allergic, if this becomes a problem I will get rid of it.
Tbh this has always been a concern of mine with ponds. But have a memory that a pump to move the water will get rid of this.
Part of the rational for me is to see if there's a way I can harness the solid clay a foot beneath our garden, and create something that has a bit of a wildlife pond vibe within the constraints of not being allowed a pond.
This is my current moodboard from my initial shortlist. But right now I'm having a bit of a mental block with how to arrange it.
Also filled most of it in late last night a couple of bags of compost should fill the rest.