I have 6.6kw of solar panels, split east and west, with a Tesla powerwall.
2 EVs, being charged overnight on the intelligent go 7.5p tariff and being paid 15p export on solar.
We’ve set it up to never charge the battery using solar and to export every Kw to the grid, and the powerwall has enough storage to sort us out through 5am-1am.
I really should switch to the Intelligent tariff myself at some point. At the moment I've got the solar/battery setup operating so that solar energy goes to the house first, then the battery, then the grid, on the Octopus 15p per kWh export tariff. It works well, and last week the export output was enough to cover not only the minimal electricity costs but also the gas bill. But I think it would be financially better to switch to an intelligent tariff, charge the the battery from 1am to 5am on the 7.5p/kWh rate, export the battery contents from 5pm to 7pm when the peak export tariff kicks in, and then not bother using the battery for storing solar.
I should probably also fill the fourth slot in the battery array to take it up to 9.6kWh but that's another thing I probably won't get round to doing for months if not years...
So good!
Remind us what kind of solar setup you have?