How come it's £180 BTW?
Even the multiple socket size sets I'm seeing are <£20, and the sensors seem to be £40-60.
I would say that with information available today there are lots of simple jobs you can easily diy on modern cars. Equally there are lots of simple jobs which are incredibly hard.
- VAG pollen and air filters (just unscrew a few screws and pop replacements in)
- Mini blocked washer jets (remove and rince tank out... after removing wheel and all arch covers without loosing or breaking anything)
Fyi it may be done up very tightly and you should double check whether you are meant to lube the threads or not.
- VAG pollen and air filters (just unscrew a few screws and pop replacements in)
The sensor is £160 - £170, tool is a tenner.
Aye, cleared the code and it came back after a day or so. Code points me to a particular sensor but I don't have the nouse to be 100% sure it just needs replaced. Booked it in for a proper diagnostic tomorrow. I also need them to look at a creak in the rear suspension so if they say the sensor just needs replaced, I'll ask them for a quote. If they say more than £300 then I think I'll give it a go myself as I can see all of the places where I'd need access to swap it out and the tool is only £10. If there is any ludicrous suspension work required I'll be going back to the dealer.