Aye, cleared the code and it came back after a day or so. Code points me to a particular sensor but I don't have the nouse to be 100% sure it just needs replaced. Booked it in for a proper diagnostic tomorrow. I also need them to look at a creak in the rear suspension so if they say the sensor just needs replaced, I'll ask them for a quote. If they say more than £300 then I think I'll give it a go myself as I can see all of the places where I'd need access to swap it out and the tool is only £10. If there is any ludicrous suspension work required I'll be going back to the dealer.
OBD reader (P2414 code) tells me I might need a new Lambda Sensor. Bank 1 Sensor 1, which I believe from googling is pre-cat so the one I can access from the engine bay. How stupid would it be to source the part and special socket tool (~£180) and swap it myself vs get a garage to do it?